leon's mess

mess is more or less
leon's mess

leon's mess


My Favorite Bird Photos Apr 2024

My Favorite Bird Photos Apr 2024 Male Great Tit Bright image, sharp, beautiful bird, spring colors. Greenfinch Cool pose and perch, sharp, green bird and green leaves look nice together. Corn Bunting Extra blurry background, nice and sharp, nice bird with contrasting feathers. Wood Pigeon Inbetween many branches yet a blurry background, interesting pose, many colors. Corn Bunting Small in …

My Favorite Bird Photos Mar 2024

My Favorite Bird Photos Mar 2024 Greenfinch Not much special in this image, it just captures “march” very well i find. Fieldfare Flock picture, amazing poses, lovely contrast against the sky. White Wagtail Sharp image, bird / background contrast, beautiful little bird. A trip to “Værnenge“ Meadow Pipit Nice environment, cute pose, pretty bird. Lapwing Posing bird, contrasting feathers, beautiful …

My favourite bird pictures feb 2024

My favourite bird pictures feb 2024 Blue Tit Small in the frame, bright bird, puffed up feathers, bird / background contrast. Yellowhammer Bright bird / dark background, interesting pose, beautiful bird. Wren Camouflaged against the floor, nearly the same brown as the sticks, small and adorable bird. Great tit Small in the frame, blurry background that contrasts with the bird …

my Favourite Bird photos jan 2024

My Favourite Bird Photos Jan 2024 Male House Sparrow Crazy background, amazing lighting, bird is eating seeds, second sparrow in the top left. Red Kite Cool pose, elegant bird. Male Bullfinch Blurry background, background contrasts with orange on the bird, beautiful bird, food in mouth. Female Great Spotted Woodpecker Blurry background, eye contact, nice pose, beautiful bird. Hawfinch Background / …

External phone lenses

For my gear I have something out of the ordinary, lenses you can attach to your phone: There are multiple companies selling these lenses and there is a fair amount of false advertising, so be care full what you buy! I use a Samsung s10e as my smartphone. click here to view the specific purchase i made and here to …

Water droplet macros

When I woke up to a dewy morning I had the idea to photograph some water droplets. The original idea was to get some spider webs (top left + top right). But i saw some flowers first so I took a picture of one (top middle). I then searched for a stick with droplets hanging from it but instead found …